Underqualified Advice (and other amusing diversions) by Drew Hayes
My name is Drew Hayes, and for the past six years I’ve made my living as a writer. In that time, I’ve published twenty books, written hundreds of thousands of words, and made countless mistakes - most of which I like to think I’ve learned from.Underqualified Advice (and Other Amusing Diversions) is my attempt to compile those lessons and share them with others, as well as have some fun along the way. Half of the book is dedicated to detailing specifics about writing, maneuvering the industry, and keeping fiscally afloat in largely unstable waters. The other half, however, is dedicated to pure fun: essays on extremely specific topics, flash fiction, and some bits that not even I know how to classify.If this unique, hopefully entertaining, premise sounds up your alley, crack open to the first chapter and read the full breakdown. Even if you don’t particularly need the advice, we could all use an amusing diversion from time to time.