Ultimate Sticker Book Garden Flowers
Whether you are a beginner or a more experienced artist you will be amazed at how quickly you can produce beautiful paintings following the clear, straightforward written and visual steps. The outlines for each of the 6 projects appear at the end of the book for you to trace, transfer and customize so you can start to paint impressive floral compositions straight away. Written by professional artist and tutor Julie King, this guide features
• A short but inclusive ‘what you need’ section, enabling you to gather together the paints, brushes and basic equipment required before you start painting • Guidance on general techniques such as how to hold the brush, how to add water to your paint and how to mix your colors to achieve the perfect petal hue. • Step-by-step instructions and techniques to build your skills • Expert author’s hints and tips, for beginners as well as more advanced artists wishing to improve their skills